I know that Reyn updated the blog after our most recent visit to Duke but I had to share what took place at this visit.
For over a year now I have prayed for God to remove Reyn's tumor outright....that we would show up for some visit and that there would be no explanation other than divine intervention and the tumor would be non-existent. Doesn't it sometimes feel like God has taken off for Tahiti with a "do not disturb" sign hanging on His door?! You think, "God, are you there? Can you hear me?"
This time around my prayer changed slightly. I have always prayed that we would rest in His Will but this time I said to God, "Lord, if you aren't going to remove the tumor please just show us that it can get smaller. Please God, let it shrink." And I prayed it would do it without any kind of chemo. And when the doctor walked into our room, she said (a little surprised I might add) "It is all great news! The tumor is actually smaller than the last scan." Praise you Jesus! Why do I ever doubt God?! It is so humbling to know He hears me when I speak to Him.
I just had to share our little Christmas miracle because I believe Reyn is a walking miracle. We truly did not know what to expect this time last year given the information we initially received regarding Reyn's tumor. What a difference a year makes! As I have said so many times, we have felt The Lord beside us every step of the way. It was a tough year but we have grown closer and God has taught us much about trust.
In the spirit of Christmas it is interesting that I recently heard two very different, yet similar views on Christ and Christmas. One from a speaker at a women's dinner who talked about Christ being the greatest "re-gift" we could ever offer to anyone. And I heard an atheist gentleman state that if Christ was truly as important as we Christians claim that He is, we would never stop talking about Him. WOW! I like that someone who is not a believer can call Christians on the carpet and say--- if it is that important, go tell everyone you know! That is what we should do but we get bogged down in our busy lives. It is so easy to get caught up in the commercialism of Christmas but I hope you treasure the best gift that mankind was given....Christ The Lord.
Luke 2:10-11.
The angel said to them. Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for ALL the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you: he is Christ The Lord.
Merry Christmas to you all.
Party of four

Friday, December 13, 2013
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
A Great Visit to Duke....
I just read what Jordan posted earlier today, and I echo her thoughts and gratitude. She was very eloquent and had great perspective. I could not have said it any better. I must say that I am very grateful for Jordan being at my side for these visits (even though I continually tell her that she doesn't need to come with me). She is a wonderful partner and helper, and she has meant so much to me over this last adventurous year.
So we are both back safely from Duke tonight. It was a quick overnight visit, as usual, but I'm glad to be back in the comforts of our home and back with the babes. So the bottom line is this: after a new MRI today, the Dr. says that the remaining tumor tissue has not grown. In fact, she says that it looks as if it may have become somewhat smaller. She also said that the healthy brain tissue is "healing nicely" after the surgery (if you did not know, most-but not all-of the tumor was surgically removed back in Feb. this year). So this is excellent news and we are happy to share it with everyone. We will be going back in 3 months again for another follow up. After that, we may start a less frequent recall. Jordan and I continue to be so impressed with everyone at Duke, but it will be nice to need to go less and less, if all continues to go well. We will keep you updated every step of the way.
The Connelly's will continue to count our blessings and remain thankful during these Holidays. We hope you do as well. Enjoy these days with your families--we certainly will. As always, thanks for your continued interest in our well-being. Thanks also for your prayers and well-wishes. Merry Christmas! Thank God for the birth of Jesus!
So we are both back safely from Duke tonight. It was a quick overnight visit, as usual, but I'm glad to be back in the comforts of our home and back with the babes. So the bottom line is this: after a new MRI today, the Dr. says that the remaining tumor tissue has not grown. In fact, she says that it looks as if it may have become somewhat smaller. She also said that the healthy brain tissue is "healing nicely" after the surgery (if you did not know, most-but not all-of the tumor was surgically removed back in Feb. this year). So this is excellent news and we are happy to share it with everyone. We will be going back in 3 months again for another follow up. After that, we may start a less frequent recall. Jordan and I continue to be so impressed with everyone at Duke, but it will be nice to need to go less and less, if all continues to go well. We will keep you updated every step of the way.
The Connelly's will continue to count our blessings and remain thankful during these Holidays. We hope you do as well. Enjoy these days with your families--we certainly will. As always, thanks for your continued interest in our well-being. Thanks also for your prayers and well-wishes. Merry Christmas! Thank God for the birth of Jesus!
Wrapping up 2013
I sit here on the radiology floor as Reyn is in the middle of another MRI scan. This is our fourth trip to Duke this year and we continue to pray for good news. It's hard to believe that this journey started a little over a year ago. As the "anniversary" neared I found myself filled with all kinds of emotions. The most overwhelming emotion has been gratitude. I am grateful for where we are today and how well Reyn is doing. It is true that if you didn't know he had brain surgery earlier this year, you truly wouldn't know! I was so scared and completely overwhelmed this time last year. Reyn took everything in stride, of course but I was an emotional wreck on the inside. So, looking back a year later I am grateful for: Reyn, healthy children, family, friends, prayer warriors, shoulders to cry on, great physicians, and most importantly, The Great Physcian. I would love for us to come up here and one day receive the news that the tumor is gone! But I don't know God's plan. I do know that He has been with us throughout the entire journey and I know that regardless of our circumstances, HE IS GOOD.
My heart was heavy last night as we flew in and the pilot announced that we had the honor of carrying a fallen soldier home on our flight. My eyes filled up with tears for that family that sacrificed so much and would now be burying their loved one this close to Christmas. It was very special to see the water bridge salute they did in honor of this brave soldier and the ceremony that followed as they brought his body off of the plane. It was all a reminder to me to be grateful for what we do have and to focus on those things. This life is so precious but yet so fleeting. What a reminder to do it right and do our best to live a meaningful life.
We are so grateful for all of you who have stood by our side and helped us over this past year. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus to us.
I will post again later today once we hear the results of Reyn's MRI.
My heart was heavy last night as we flew in and the pilot announced that we had the honor of carrying a fallen soldier home on our flight. My eyes filled up with tears for that family that sacrificed so much and would now be burying their loved one this close to Christmas. It was very special to see the water bridge salute they did in honor of this brave soldier and the ceremony that followed as they brought his body off of the plane. It was all a reminder to me to be grateful for what we do have and to focus on those things. This life is so precious but yet so fleeting. What a reminder to do it right and do our best to live a meaningful life.
We are so grateful for all of you who have stood by our side and helped us over this past year. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus to us.
I will post again later today once we hear the results of Reyn's MRI.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
1 Year...
Hello there! It's Reyn. Today (Nov. 19) is the one year anniversary of my seizure, which of course started a wild ride. I cannot believe that it has gone so fast. It's been a wild and crazy year, but a good one. The seizure, the brain tumor diagnosis, 2 surgeries, the arrival of our second child, and running a newly purchased dental practice solo sure made for an "eventful" time.
It seems fitting that this anniversary comes around Thanksgiving. My family and I have much to be thankful for. God has blessed us so much and in too many ways to describe tonight. As serious as things appeared with the brain tumor, it could have been so much worse. I have felt normal and have not noticed any problems this year. The news has only been good. We made several trips this year to Duke for follow up MRI's and Dr. visits. The news is the same after each visit: no changes, and I still have a brain! I have had so much love and support from family, friends, coworkers, and colleagues. I have truly been blessed. I have really had to make an effort to slow down at times and remember this. We are called by God to always focus on what is good and praiseworthy, and to focus on Him and always be thankful for Christ and His blessings. This is what I am trying to do. It has been a lesson well learned. Jordan has been awesome this year. She really had to be the rock for our family. I am grateful for such a wonderful wife, friend, and mother to my children. The children are about to graduate from college. No, wait...it only seems like it. Jackson will be 3 in January and Grier will be 1 in January. All those parents were right when they said "it sure goes by fast." I really have to make an effort to enjoy time with the kids, because there is only a limited amount of time, and they are growing so fast. Potty training for Jackson now! And Grier is a fast crawler!
We are looking forward to the holidays approaching. I will have another visit to Duke in the beginning of December. We hope for more "no news is good news" reports to follow. I hope this was coherent, because I'm about to fall asleep! Bed time.....
I hope it is easy for all of you to be extra thankful this Thanksgiving! Don't eat too much, like I plan on doing. God bless you all!
It seems fitting that this anniversary comes around Thanksgiving. My family and I have much to be thankful for. God has blessed us so much and in too many ways to describe tonight. As serious as things appeared with the brain tumor, it could have been so much worse. I have felt normal and have not noticed any problems this year. The news has only been good. We made several trips this year to Duke for follow up MRI's and Dr. visits. The news is the same after each visit: no changes, and I still have a brain! I have had so much love and support from family, friends, coworkers, and colleagues. I have truly been blessed. I have really had to make an effort to slow down at times and remember this. We are called by God to always focus on what is good and praiseworthy, and to focus on Him and always be thankful for Christ and His blessings. This is what I am trying to do. It has been a lesson well learned. Jordan has been awesome this year. She really had to be the rock for our family. I am grateful for such a wonderful wife, friend, and mother to my children. The children are about to graduate from college. No, wait...it only seems like it. Jackson will be 3 in January and Grier will be 1 in January. All those parents were right when they said "it sure goes by fast." I really have to make an effort to enjoy time with the kids, because there is only a limited amount of time, and they are growing so fast. Potty training for Jackson now! And Grier is a fast crawler!
We are looking forward to the holidays approaching. I will have another visit to Duke in the beginning of December. We hope for more "no news is good news" reports to follow. I hope this was coherent, because I'm about to fall asleep! Bed time.....
I hope it is easy for all of you to be extra thankful this Thanksgiving! Don't eat too much, like I plan on doing. God bless you all!
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Are you still there?
Yes, we are still here. I can't believe it has been over two months since my last post but things have been super busy in our lives so I blame our busy schedule! Who isn't busy these days though?
I'm actually typing this post while I sit in my spa robe at the Ritz at Lake Oconee. This weekend is Reyn's 10 year reunion for dental school. So this morning I was pampered at the spa while Reyn is out chasing a little white ball around the golf course. And since the weather forecast stated 90 % chance of rain I am so grateful to be looking at only a cloudy sky....so that means my sweet hubby should get his full round in today! ( a special thank you to Grammie and Mimi for making this trip possible). Our kiddos are with them so they are getting spoiled beyond measure.
Last night was a wonderful night of catching up with old friends and enjoying good food. The true reunion party is tonight so it should be even more fun! All of his old buddies were thrilled to see Reyn and to know how well he is doing.
We have had two great post surgical follow ups and life seems to have picked right back up where we left off! ;). We will report back to Duke in December and continue to pray for no tumor growth. Reyn has adjusted to his medication. ( he's only on one) and people are just amazed when they see him. It makes him laugh when people stop him to say "HOW ARE YOU DOING?" Because to him, his diagnosis is old news and he feels no different than before! ( Thank you Jesus for such a miracle!). I have to remind him that he has been through quite a bit over the past 10 months!
His practice is thriving and staff are all doing well! The atmosphere is his office is so light and full of energy. We can't say thank you enough for the remarkable people that make up his practice.
My travel schedule with work has picked up so that is part of the reason I have been absent from the blogging world. Grammie and Mimi continue to help us with the children during the week and the kids just love their grandmamas! Grammie is even about to launch her own little sewing/ monogramming side business. Mom has always been very talented with a sewing machine so now she is adding monogramming to her repertoire. I'm afraid I might go crazy and monogram everything in my children's closet!
The children are growing like little weeds and teaching us new things every day. I cherish these sweet years with our babies! Jackson continues to make us laugh on a regular basis and Grier already has daddy wrapped around her finger....it's so precious.
So we are in a good place and grateful for all of the little blessings in life! God has blessed us with an amazing family and the most thoughtful friends. We love you all and look forward to ways we can touch your lives the same way you have impacted ours!
I'm actually typing this post while I sit in my spa robe at the Ritz at Lake Oconee. This weekend is Reyn's 10 year reunion for dental school. So this morning I was pampered at the spa while Reyn is out chasing a little white ball around the golf course. And since the weather forecast stated 90 % chance of rain I am so grateful to be looking at only a cloudy sky....so that means my sweet hubby should get his full round in today! ( a special thank you to Grammie and Mimi for making this trip possible). Our kiddos are with them so they are getting spoiled beyond measure.
Last night was a wonderful night of catching up with old friends and enjoying good food. The true reunion party is tonight so it should be even more fun! All of his old buddies were thrilled to see Reyn and to know how well he is doing.
We have had two great post surgical follow ups and life seems to have picked right back up where we left off! ;). We will report back to Duke in December and continue to pray for no tumor growth. Reyn has adjusted to his medication. ( he's only on one) and people are just amazed when they see him. It makes him laugh when people stop him to say "HOW ARE YOU DOING?" Because to him, his diagnosis is old news and he feels no different than before! ( Thank you Jesus for such a miracle!). I have to remind him that he has been through quite a bit over the past 10 months!
His practice is thriving and staff are all doing well! The atmosphere is his office is so light and full of energy. We can't say thank you enough for the remarkable people that make up his practice.
My travel schedule with work has picked up so that is part of the reason I have been absent from the blogging world. Grammie and Mimi continue to help us with the children during the week and the kids just love their grandmamas! Grammie is even about to launch her own little sewing/ monogramming side business. Mom has always been very talented with a sewing machine so now she is adding monogramming to her repertoire. I'm afraid I might go crazy and monogram everything in my children's closet!
The children are growing like little weeds and teaching us new things every day. I cherish these sweet years with our babies! Jackson continues to make us laugh on a regular basis and Grier already has daddy wrapped around her finger....it's so precious.
So we are in a good place and grateful for all of the little blessings in life! God has blessed us with an amazing family and the most thoughtful friends. We love you all and look forward to ways we can touch your lives the same way you have impacted ours!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
My God of Last Resort
Isn't it interesting given everything we have been through recently that God is still the last one I call on sometimes?! It makes no sense to me given His promises and the truth of His Word but I seem to get in the way so many times. I am a habitual "fixer" of things and believe that I have a solution to almost anything. But I know deep down that God is my Protector, Healer, Refuge, and Rock.
God has shown me recently that I call on Him as my last resort. When I know I can't get it done, I start praying, pleading with God. I don't want to be that person. I want to turn to my God as a default, an immediate response to something "good" or "bad" going on in our lives. Matthew 11:28 says "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." In Exodus 33:14 He says, "My Presence will go with you and I will give you rest."
It's so easy to believe God's promises for others and neglect to apply them to our own lives. I am committing right now to call on The Lord first and quit attempting to "fix" every situation that comes my way. What a relief to know that my God goes before me and already knows the outcome!
I praise you Lord because You are worthy of our praise! Thank you for never leaving my side.
God has shown me recently that I call on Him as my last resort. When I know I can't get it done, I start praying, pleading with God. I don't want to be that person. I want to turn to my God as a default, an immediate response to something "good" or "bad" going on in our lives. Matthew 11:28 says "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." In Exodus 33:14 He says, "My Presence will go with you and I will give you rest."
It's so easy to believe God's promises for others and neglect to apply them to our own lives. I am committing right now to call on The Lord first and quit attempting to "fix" every situation that comes my way. What a relief to know that my God goes before me and already knows the outcome!
I praise you Lord because You are worthy of our praise! Thank you for never leaving my side.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
A good but crazy week
We have been extremely busy over the past couple of weeks but in a good way. I was out of town for work this past week so that always seems to make life a little more hectic at home. Reyn was out of town last weekend helping to run GMOM (Georgia Mission of Mercy). It was a free dental clinic for the state of Georgia. So much time and effort went into planning GMOM and he worked some 16 hour days! It is such a great cause and I am so proud of him for using his talents to help others. We have seen so many rush to our aid in recent months and we are grateful to have opportunities to give back!
Aside from a busy schedule ( like every other family) we are doing great. Quite grateful for a busy schedule and normal routine. Reyn is so busy at work these days. The Lord has certainly blessed him and his team with a full patient load.
The kiddos keep us on our toes. Grier is busy practicing her new trick of rolling over. It is actually very funny to watch...as soon as you lay her down she flips over to her belly. She likes looking at herself in the mirror. Jackson is busy teaching her all about trains and how to roll a car properly along the coffee table. He calls her Miss Priss which is just too cute for words!
We are excited for our upcoming trip to the beach and look forward to some quality relaxing time with family. We hope that you all get a chance to enjoy some vacation time with your families this summer as well. Thank you for checking in on us and continuing to lift us up in prayer. We love you all and are very grateful for you!
Aside from a busy schedule ( like every other family) we are doing great. Quite grateful for a busy schedule and normal routine. Reyn is so busy at work these days. The Lord has certainly blessed him and his team with a full patient load.
The kiddos keep us on our toes. Grier is busy practicing her new trick of rolling over. It is actually very funny to watch...as soon as you lay her down she flips over to her belly. She likes looking at herself in the mirror. Jackson is busy teaching her all about trains and how to roll a car properly along the coffee table. He calls her Miss Priss which is just too cute for words!
We are excited for our upcoming trip to the beach and look forward to some quality relaxing time with family. We hope that you all get a chance to enjoy some vacation time with your families this summer as well. Thank you for checking in on us and continuing to lift us up in prayer. We love you all and are very grateful for you!
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Great Report
Hi friends!
I am so sorry I am just now getting to the blog update. Many of you already know but for those of you who do not, Reyn's follow up was excellent! We actually got into Durham the night before his appointment on Wednesday and were able to catch a Durham Bulls game. Reyn had checked out their schedule ahead of time and saw they were in town so we headed straight for the ballpark from the airport. It was a beautiful night in Durham and just an all around fun outing with my husband!
His MRI showed some improvement over the last appointment 3 months ago. We were so happy to hear it! The doctor said that Reyn is doing great and this MRI proves he had a successful surgical resection. She reiterated that Reyn has so many things working in his favor. He has a favorable tumor type. His tumor is low grade (benign) and he has the chromosomal deletions of 1p, 19q.......all are good factors! So we move forward and look ahead to another good appointment in the future.
I have to say a special thank you to my hubby and both grandmothers for allowing me to go to Florida with my girlfriends this week for our annual girls getaway! (Thus the reason my blog entry has been delayed). Reyn and I returned from Duke on Wednesday night and I headed down to Destin, FL with my girlfriends on Thursday morning! We had such a good time of rest, relaxation and "girl talk." We almost didn't know how to behave without chasing little people around the table at dinner time! It was a great time away but I am so thankful to be back with family again! I told Reyn I owe him a boys weekend now! ;)
Thanks for checking in and for all of the prayers! Keep em coming...they are working!
I am so sorry I am just now getting to the blog update. Many of you already know but for those of you who do not, Reyn's follow up was excellent! We actually got into Durham the night before his appointment on Wednesday and were able to catch a Durham Bulls game. Reyn had checked out their schedule ahead of time and saw they were in town so we headed straight for the ballpark from the airport. It was a beautiful night in Durham and just an all around fun outing with my husband!
His MRI showed some improvement over the last appointment 3 months ago. We were so happy to hear it! The doctor said that Reyn is doing great and this MRI proves he had a successful surgical resection. She reiterated that Reyn has so many things working in his favor. He has a favorable tumor type. His tumor is low grade (benign) and he has the chromosomal deletions of 1p, 19q.......all are good factors! So we move forward and look ahead to another good appointment in the future.
I have to say a special thank you to my hubby and both grandmothers for allowing me to go to Florida with my girlfriends this week for our annual girls getaway! (Thus the reason my blog entry has been delayed). Reyn and I returned from Duke on Wednesday night and I headed down to Destin, FL with my girlfriends on Thursday morning! We had such a good time of rest, relaxation and "girl talk." We almost didn't know how to behave without chasing little people around the table at dinner time! It was a great time away but I am so thankful to be back with family again! I told Reyn I owe him a boys weekend now! ;)
Thanks for checking in and for all of the prayers! Keep em coming...they are working!
Monday, May 27, 2013
On the road again....
In more ways than one we are "on the road again"!
Reyn has been driving now for over a week....what a blessing! He was so happy to get his keys back after 6 months of catching rides to/ from work and to any other destination. For those of you that don't know, in the state of Georgia if you have a seizure you cannot drive for 6 months. At 6 months your risk of seizure drops significantly so it is legal to drive again. So this is a BIG milestone! Reyn officially has his freedom back ;)
I would be remiss if I didn't say THANK YOU to all of you who helped by offering to give Reyn a ride somewhere over the past 6 months! A special thank you to Hank Bradford who picked Reyn up almost every day for work! ( If you need a root canal and live near Marietta, GA, Hank is your man!). What a HUGE blessing when you have a toddler and newborn at home. The morning routine is insane! And a BIG thanks to Sharon Aird for dropping Reyn off on so many afternoons. We would not have survived the past 6 months without you!
Reyn and I leave tomorrow for Duke. He has a follow up MRI and appointments with the doctor on Wednesday. Please be in prayer for this visit. We ask for a routine follow up and good news all around! I will update after the appointment but please pray for my nerves as well. Reyn is cool, calm and collected but I on the other hand feel a little anxiety starting to creep in. We truly covet your prayers and are grateful for your friendship.
Reyn has been driving now for over a week....what a blessing! He was so happy to get his keys back after 6 months of catching rides to/ from work and to any other destination. For those of you that don't know, in the state of Georgia if you have a seizure you cannot drive for 6 months. At 6 months your risk of seizure drops significantly so it is legal to drive again. So this is a BIG milestone! Reyn officially has his freedom back ;)
I would be remiss if I didn't say THANK YOU to all of you who helped by offering to give Reyn a ride somewhere over the past 6 months! A special thank you to Hank Bradford who picked Reyn up almost every day for work! ( If you need a root canal and live near Marietta, GA, Hank is your man!). What a HUGE blessing when you have a toddler and newborn at home. The morning routine is insane! And a BIG thanks to Sharon Aird for dropping Reyn off on so many afternoons. We would not have survived the past 6 months without you!
Reyn and I leave tomorrow for Duke. He has a follow up MRI and appointments with the doctor on Wednesday. Please be in prayer for this visit. We ask for a routine follow up and good news all around! I will update after the appointment but please pray for my nerves as well. Reyn is cool, calm and collected but I on the other hand feel a little anxiety starting to creep in. We truly covet your prayers and are grateful for your friendship.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
WHY? It is a short word but there is so much more behind this word.
When Reyn was first diagnosed, my first question to God was "Why?" It can be a terrible question to wrestle with. The most interesting part to me is that we often present this question to God with a sense of entitlement and the thought that "You owe me an answer on this one!" Maybe the rest of you aren't so bold but God knows how to deal with me and put me in my place when necessary.
So, God answered my question in such a clear way a couple of weeks ago. He brought two verses to my attention while I was listening to a sermon by Charles Stanley. The best part was that He brought the same verse to my attention 3 times that very week from unrelated material. Finally, I said, "Ok, I get it God."
Here are the verses. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God."
Isaiah 55:8-9 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Thank you God for hitting me over the head with these! There are simply some things here on this earth that we will not understand but God sees the tapestry of our life from beginning to end and we are called to TRUST Him. And even though I knew 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 to be true, it was seeing that thought expressed through God's Word that brought it to life for me. Often times the trials in our lives become our ministry and testimony to others. We never could have identified with a family facing such an overwhelming diagnosis 6 months ago, but today I can truly empathize with a family facing a scary medical diagnosis. My only hope is that God uses us to help others in these situations and bring glory to His Kingdom.
This morning our day started off very early. My typically "great sleepers" woke up at 5:30 and 6:45. So I decided to turn on Charles Stanley yet again. Our 2 year old is at that stage where he repeats EVERYTHING he hears...so yes, we must be extremely careful. But Charles was quoting John 14:6 - (Jesus speaking) "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Immediately Jackson (our 2 year old) yelled at the top of his lungs "I AM THE WAY." And I thought, yep, so many times we think we are the way and we have all of the answers. But we know deep down that is not the case. I know that many of you reading this blog do not necessarily believe the Bible to be God's Word but we as Christians believe His Word to be true. I hope that you also find these verses to be true and that you believe in your heart that GOD LOVES YOU. Because He does. I am reminded of that this Mother's Day as I look at my children and know the love I possess for them. It's amazing to me that God loves me more than that.
So I leave you with Happy Mother's Day to all of the mamas!
When Reyn was first diagnosed, my first question to God was "Why?" It can be a terrible question to wrestle with. The most interesting part to me is that we often present this question to God with a sense of entitlement and the thought that "You owe me an answer on this one!" Maybe the rest of you aren't so bold but God knows how to deal with me and put me in my place when necessary.
So, God answered my question in such a clear way a couple of weeks ago. He brought two verses to my attention while I was listening to a sermon by Charles Stanley. The best part was that He brought the same verse to my attention 3 times that very week from unrelated material. Finally, I said, "Ok, I get it God."
Here are the verses. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God."
Isaiah 55:8-9 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Thank you God for hitting me over the head with these! There are simply some things here on this earth that we will not understand but God sees the tapestry of our life from beginning to end and we are called to TRUST Him. And even though I knew 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 to be true, it was seeing that thought expressed through God's Word that brought it to life for me. Often times the trials in our lives become our ministry and testimony to others. We never could have identified with a family facing such an overwhelming diagnosis 6 months ago, but today I can truly empathize with a family facing a scary medical diagnosis. My only hope is that God uses us to help others in these situations and bring glory to His Kingdom.
This morning our day started off very early. My typically "great sleepers" woke up at 5:30 and 6:45. So I decided to turn on Charles Stanley yet again. Our 2 year old is at that stage where he repeats EVERYTHING he hears...so yes, we must be extremely careful. But Charles was quoting John 14:6 - (Jesus speaking) "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Immediately Jackson (our 2 year old) yelled at the top of his lungs "I AM THE WAY." And I thought, yep, so many times we think we are the way and we have all of the answers. But we know deep down that is not the case. I know that many of you reading this blog do not necessarily believe the Bible to be God's Word but we as Christians believe His Word to be true. I hope that you also find these verses to be true and that you believe in your heart that GOD LOVES YOU. Because He does. I am reminded of that this Mother's Day as I look at my children and know the love I possess for them. It's amazing to me that God loves me more than that.
So I leave you with Happy Mother's Day to all of the mamas!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
The Privilege of Prayer
Hey friends!
I called my blog title the Privilege of Prayer because we have been given the great opportunity and responsibility to pray for a family in a very similar situation as us.
I noticed a few days ago that I had a "friend request" on facebook but when I looked at the name I did not recognize the person. So I ignored it initially. I noticed it again a few days later and thought, Well, I'll just accept the request. It's probably someone who knows Reyn.
But then I received the most interesting message. It was from a lady, Timea and she lives in Hungary. She told me that she happened across my blog after her husband was also diagnosed with a brain tumor. He was actually diagnosed in September of 2012. He then had surgery and has since been treated with radiation. His tumor type is the same type that Reyn was initially diagnosed with- an oligoastrocytoma. Those of you following the blog know that after much prayer Reyn's diagnosis was changed to oligodendroglioma, a less aggressive tumor type. So...my challenge and request to you is to pray for this sweet family. The husband's name is Gabor , the Hungarian version of Gabriel. They are a young couple with 2 daughters. The most inspiring part of their story to me is that Timea is 16 weeks pregnant with their 3rd child. She said that back in September she would never have dreamed of having another child but that after considerable prayer, she & Gabor both felt like God was leading them to have another child. They felt God saying, "Do not be afraid. Take this gift." And so they conceived in December.
So I ask that you pray for the following:
1. Pray that Gabor regains his strength. He also has some problems with concentration so please pray for complete healing.
2. Pray that his tumor would be non-existent at his next MRI.
3. If the tumor still exists pray that any aggressive cells present would be removed.
4. Pray for Timea's strength as she seeks to take care of her family and the sweet baby growing in her womb.
5. Pray for a healthy pregnancy.
6. Pray that God will be revealed in their situation and that this family will have peace.
What an honor that we can pray for this precious family half a world away! Thank you all for being willing to lift them up.
The Connellys
I called my blog title the Privilege of Prayer because we have been given the great opportunity and responsibility to pray for a family in a very similar situation as us.
I noticed a few days ago that I had a "friend request" on facebook but when I looked at the name I did not recognize the person. So I ignored it initially. I noticed it again a few days later and thought, Well, I'll just accept the request. It's probably someone who knows Reyn.
But then I received the most interesting message. It was from a lady, Timea and she lives in Hungary. She told me that she happened across my blog after her husband was also diagnosed with a brain tumor. He was actually diagnosed in September of 2012. He then had surgery and has since been treated with radiation. His tumor type is the same type that Reyn was initially diagnosed with- an oligoastrocytoma. Those of you following the blog know that after much prayer Reyn's diagnosis was changed to oligodendroglioma, a less aggressive tumor type. So...my challenge and request to you is to pray for this sweet family. The husband's name is Gabor , the Hungarian version of Gabriel. They are a young couple with 2 daughters. The most inspiring part of their story to me is that Timea is 16 weeks pregnant with their 3rd child. She said that back in September she would never have dreamed of having another child but that after considerable prayer, she & Gabor both felt like God was leading them to have another child. They felt God saying, "Do not be afraid. Take this gift." And so they conceived in December.
So I ask that you pray for the following:
1. Pray that Gabor regains his strength. He also has some problems with concentration so please pray for complete healing.
2. Pray that his tumor would be non-existent at his next MRI.
3. If the tumor still exists pray that any aggressive cells present would be removed.
4. Pray for Timea's strength as she seeks to take care of her family and the sweet baby growing in her womb.
5. Pray for a healthy pregnancy.
6. Pray that God will be revealed in their situation and that this family will have peace.
What an honor that we can pray for this precious family half a world away! Thank you all for being willing to lift them up.
The Connellys
Thursday, April 18, 2013
A Little Bit of Normal
Hello everyone.
I know it has been 2 weeks since my last update but life has certainly picked up speed with both of us being back at work and juggling our new roles as a family of four!
Reyn is doing exceptionally well! He enjoys being back at work and his energy levels are keeping up with his many demands. The patients are so happy to see him and as I have said many times, he couldn't have asked for a better work family! I'm so relieved to know they are taking care of him when I am unable to be around.
Last Sunday was the first Sunday we returned to church....and boy was it good to be back!! We missed our church family and just worship in general. This upcoming Sunday, April 21st we will have the honor of dedicating our baby girl at JFBC. I'm so excited that mom saved the outfit that I came home in from the hospital 32 years ago because our little Grier will wear the same dress this Sunday for her baby dedication. Don't worry- I'm not one of those who thinks she will want to wear my wedding dress one day....but for now I can force my will upon her. ;).
I will continue to update periodically but as they say, "no news is good news." Our next big moments will be A) Reyn can officially drive again on May 19th. This is a BIG deal. For those of you who have lost this privilege, you understand the freedom that is taken away when you can't drive yourself to work, or Target, or as Reyn is most concerned in the Spring- the driving range. ;). So I am so happy for him that this date is quickly approaching. B) our next follow up appointment at Duke. This should just be a standard MRI and follow up so prayers for this visit as well.
We love you all and thank you for checking in on us. More updates to come along the way!
I know it has been 2 weeks since my last update but life has certainly picked up speed with both of us being back at work and juggling our new roles as a family of four!
Reyn is doing exceptionally well! He enjoys being back at work and his energy levels are keeping up with his many demands. The patients are so happy to see him and as I have said many times, he couldn't have asked for a better work family! I'm so relieved to know they are taking care of him when I am unable to be around.
Last Sunday was the first Sunday we returned to church....and boy was it good to be back!! We missed our church family and just worship in general. This upcoming Sunday, April 21st we will have the honor of dedicating our baby girl at JFBC. I'm so excited that mom saved the outfit that I came home in from the hospital 32 years ago because our little Grier will wear the same dress this Sunday for her baby dedication. Don't worry- I'm not one of those who thinks she will want to wear my wedding dress one day....but for now I can force my will upon her. ;).
I will continue to update periodically but as they say, "no news is good news." Our next big moments will be A) Reyn can officially drive again on May 19th. This is a BIG deal. For those of you who have lost this privilege, you understand the freedom that is taken away when you can't drive yourself to work, or Target, or as Reyn is most concerned in the Spring- the driving range. ;). So I am so happy for him that this date is quickly approaching. B) our next follow up appointment at Duke. This should just be a standard MRI and follow up so prayers for this visit as well.
We love you all and thank you for checking in on us. More updates to come along the way!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
The chaos of our lives seems to have slowed ever so slightly so it has given me a time to reflect on these past few months. Someone asked me over Easter what I had learned throughout all of this. I simply smiled and responded, "Perspective." God has taught me more in the past few months about perspective than I could ever thank Him for. All of the things that I allowed to consume me with stress in the past seem to take a backseat these days. I am able to respond instead of react in many situations. Most importantly I value every minute that I have with my family...there is simply nothing more precious. God has shown us such great love through so many of you that we have never even met. I have asked myself many times if I would have gone out of my way to bless a friend or stranger the way you all have blessed us. Before November of last year I think my "busy schedule" may have gotten in the way, but thankfully now I know what is important.
I would add to my "lessons" over the past few months that God has taught me He is truly faithful and that He loves us, especially when we are hurting. Much in the same way we hug our children tighter when they are sick and not feeling well I know for a fact God himself held me together these past few months.
Even with the many lessons I have learned I still had to apologize to my husband a few weeks ago. I apologized for acting more like a nurse and appointment scheduler than his wife. My type A, Mrs. Fix It personality took over to some extent. I was so overwhelmed with getting his medications right that some days I had to remind myself just to love on my husband and just BE with him. Reyn has been through so much and continues to have such a great outlook on things. He is so happy to be back to work and his staff was thrilled to see him walk through those doors last Thursday. I can tell he feels better just getting back into a schedule and seeing patients again. He has an unparalleled love for his job and it shows!
We know this is a big part of our journey but I know we do not want a brain tumor diagnosis to define us. Yes, it is part of our story but God is still weaving a beautiful story together for us. Thanks for being a part of our journey.
I would add to my "lessons" over the past few months that God has taught me He is truly faithful and that He loves us, especially when we are hurting. Much in the same way we hug our children tighter when they are sick and not feeling well I know for a fact God himself held me together these past few months.
Even with the many lessons I have learned I still had to apologize to my husband a few weeks ago. I apologized for acting more like a nurse and appointment scheduler than his wife. My type A, Mrs. Fix It personality took over to some extent. I was so overwhelmed with getting his medications right that some days I had to remind myself just to love on my husband and just BE with him. Reyn has been through so much and continues to have such a great outlook on things. He is so happy to be back to work and his staff was thrilled to see him walk through those doors last Thursday. I can tell he feels better just getting back into a schedule and seeing patients again. He has an unparalleled love for his job and it shows!
We know this is a big part of our journey but I know we do not want a brain tumor diagnosis to define us. Yes, it is part of our story but God is still weaving a beautiful story together for us. Thanks for being a part of our journey.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
A Good Report
We made it home safely and things have finally settled down so that I can update everyone. Jackson was so happy to see mommy and daddy so we had some quality play time upon our return!
We had two appointments today that really turned out to be one long appointment. It is a great set up at Duke! Instead of having us run around the hospital/ clinic to see the various specialists they all lined up and came into the room to see us one by one. The attention to detail and care is unlike any other I have ever experienced. They truly put the patient's interests first.
The clinic visit consisted of many neuro exams and consults regarding Reyn's recovery. He passed the exams with flying colors! After the neuro exams we observed Reyn's new MRI scan along with the oncologist and discussed future treatment. It was interesting to see where the tumor had been removed and the portion that remained. The portion on his frontal lobe has been removed and the remaining portion lies on his temporal lobe. Doctors estimate approximately 70% of his tumor was removed. As for the remaining portion, Duke will monitor him with regularly scheduled MRIs in the future. He will have 3 more this year, 3 the following year, and 2 after that if all goes as planned. As long as the tumor remains the same no further treatment is required....Praise the Lord! If the time comes that Reyn requires more treatment he will receive an oral chemotherapy treatment for a year. His tumor has deletions of chromosomes 1p and 19q and studies have shown this tumor type will respond favorably to chemotherapy.
The doctors also confirmed that he has an "Oligodendroglioma, grade 2, benign tumor." And the comment made by the oncologist was -- "If you are going to live with a tumor, this is the one you want." So we are praising God for this! Just 3 months ago we were given the diagnosis of "Oligoastrocytoma" from Emory here in Atlanta. As many of you have read from previous posts, an Oligoastrocytoma is a much more aggressive tumor and it does not respond as favorably to chemo if needed. At the time we asked all of you to pray with us that the astrocyte cells would be removed from his tumor OR at the very least be the smaller portion of his tumor. God heard our prays and answered them as the doctor confirmed today-- NO ASTROCYTE cells were found in his tumor! I believe in my heart that they were removed according to the prayers of so many. Isn't it amazing to know that the God of the universe hears us when we cry out to Him?!
When asked about Reyn's prognosis the neurosurgeon told us his prognosis is GOOD and significantly improved given the tumor type and fact that the majority of the tumor was removed. It is a positive overall outlook.
So, where does this leave us? We will have regular check ups with Duke. No further treatment at this time. Reyn can resume all normal activites and return to work. He is so excited to get back to doing what he loves best and working with his team again!
We still seek your continued prayers for our family and ask that you pray for the following:
1. Pray for Reyn's energy levels to improve. He is still healing from surgery but doctors say most patients have their energy back by month 3 or 4 following the procedure.
2. Pray for the entire family as we resume a normal schedule again and return to work.
3. Pray for complete healing
4. Pray for no tumor growth or change in the years to come
5. Pray that we will continue to trust God daily
6. Most importantly, that God will be glorified through our story and testimony
We love you all!
We had two appointments today that really turned out to be one long appointment. It is a great set up at Duke! Instead of having us run around the hospital/ clinic to see the various specialists they all lined up and came into the room to see us one by one. The attention to detail and care is unlike any other I have ever experienced. They truly put the patient's interests first.
The clinic visit consisted of many neuro exams and consults regarding Reyn's recovery. He passed the exams with flying colors! After the neuro exams we observed Reyn's new MRI scan along with the oncologist and discussed future treatment. It was interesting to see where the tumor had been removed and the portion that remained. The portion on his frontal lobe has been removed and the remaining portion lies on his temporal lobe. Doctors estimate approximately 70% of his tumor was removed. As for the remaining portion, Duke will monitor him with regularly scheduled MRIs in the future. He will have 3 more this year, 3 the following year, and 2 after that if all goes as planned. As long as the tumor remains the same no further treatment is required....Praise the Lord! If the time comes that Reyn requires more treatment he will receive an oral chemotherapy treatment for a year. His tumor has deletions of chromosomes 1p and 19q and studies have shown this tumor type will respond favorably to chemotherapy.
The doctors also confirmed that he has an "Oligodendroglioma, grade 2, benign tumor." And the comment made by the oncologist was -- "If you are going to live with a tumor, this is the one you want." So we are praising God for this! Just 3 months ago we were given the diagnosis of "Oligoastrocytoma" from Emory here in Atlanta. As many of you have read from previous posts, an Oligoastrocytoma is a much more aggressive tumor and it does not respond as favorably to chemo if needed. At the time we asked all of you to pray with us that the astrocyte cells would be removed from his tumor OR at the very least be the smaller portion of his tumor. God heard our prays and answered them as the doctor confirmed today-- NO ASTROCYTE cells were found in his tumor! I believe in my heart that they were removed according to the prayers of so many. Isn't it amazing to know that the God of the universe hears us when we cry out to Him?!
When asked about Reyn's prognosis the neurosurgeon told us his prognosis is GOOD and significantly improved given the tumor type and fact that the majority of the tumor was removed. It is a positive overall outlook.
So, where does this leave us? We will have regular check ups with Duke. No further treatment at this time. Reyn can resume all normal activites and return to work. He is so excited to get back to doing what he loves best and working with his team again!
We still seek your continued prayers for our family and ask that you pray for the following:
1. Pray for Reyn's energy levels to improve. He is still healing from surgery but doctors say most patients have their energy back by month 3 or 4 following the procedure.
2. Pray for the entire family as we resume a normal schedule again and return to work.
3. Pray for complete healing
4. Pray for no tumor growth or change in the years to come
5. Pray that we will continue to trust God daily
6. Most importantly, that God will be glorified through our story and testimony
We love you all!
Monday, March 25, 2013
Welcome Spring
The Connellys are welcoming Spring with open arms! This has been the hardest winter of our lives, figuratively speaking as well! I told someone recently this was the best and worst winter of my life. God blessed us with such a sweet baby girl as we struggled to comprehend Reyn's brain tumor diagnosis. The last 4 months have been an emotional rollercoaster. I have spent some days feeling almost normal and accepting that God has this under control. At other times I just avoided God completely or shook my fists at Him in anger. Im so glad that God loves me in spite of myself and that I dont serve a fickle God! He is faithful and He continues to remind me of that each day.
This afternoon Reyn and I head back to Duke for his follow up appointment. He is scheduled for an MRI at 8:15 pm tonight followed by two appointments on Tuesday. He and I are flying up this time so it should be a short trip. He has a clinic appointment at 10 am tomorrow and an appointment with the surgeon at 12:45pm to discuss the new MRI results. I am anxious and excited to see what the MRI reveals post surgery. He estimated that he removed approximately 70% of the tumor through surgery so the MRI will tell the story now. He let us know that surgery would not eliminate the entire tumor so Reyn may undergo chemotherapy in the future. He has certain deletions on particular chromosomes that make chemo a favorable option to treat any remaining tumor....but this we will learn more about during our appointments with the doctor. I'm still praying for a clear MRI because we know God is capable! But we are willing to accept whatever the MRI shows. I'm sure many people think I am delusional to continue to expect miraculous healing but since my God parted the Red Sea, a brain tumor is a small task!
I will update after our appointments tomorrow. In the meantime please pray for safety as we travel and pray that our babies do well while we are away. Thank you to Grammie and Mimi for taking care of our babies!
This afternoon Reyn and I head back to Duke for his follow up appointment. He is scheduled for an MRI at 8:15 pm tonight followed by two appointments on Tuesday. He and I are flying up this time so it should be a short trip. He has a clinic appointment at 10 am tomorrow and an appointment with the surgeon at 12:45pm to discuss the new MRI results. I am anxious and excited to see what the MRI reveals post surgery. He estimated that he removed approximately 70% of the tumor through surgery so the MRI will tell the story now. He let us know that surgery would not eliminate the entire tumor so Reyn may undergo chemotherapy in the future. He has certain deletions on particular chromosomes that make chemo a favorable option to treat any remaining tumor....but this we will learn more about during our appointments with the doctor. I'm still praying for a clear MRI because we know God is capable! But we are willing to accept whatever the MRI shows. I'm sure many people think I am delusional to continue to expect miraculous healing but since my God parted the Red Sea, a brain tumor is a small task!
I will update after our appointments tomorrow. In the meantime please pray for safety as we travel and pray that our babies do well while we are away. Thank you to Grammie and Mimi for taking care of our babies!
Friday, March 15, 2013
Visitors Welcome
Hello all!
Reyn is doing great and feeling better day by day! His biggest complaint is that he tires easily but that is to be expected at this point. He is up for visitors now so if you have been waiting to see him, come on over! ;) I will need to schedule visits so that he is not overwhelmed with everyone showing up on the same day so please email me if you want to come over. We would love to see you and catch up with everyone.
I will have more of an update after our visit to Duke on March 25th and 26th but the initial reports seem very favorable!
Thank you for all of the calls and emails. We love you guys.
Reyn is doing great and feeling better day by day! His biggest complaint is that he tires easily but that is to be expected at this point. He is up for visitors now so if you have been waiting to see him, come on over! ;) I will need to schedule visits so that he is not overwhelmed with everyone showing up on the same day so please email me if you want to come over. We would love to see you and catch up with everyone.
I will have more of an update after our visit to Duke on March 25th and 26th but the initial reports seem very favorable!
Thank you for all of the calls and emails. We love you guys.
Meet Baby Grier
Many of you have asked so here is a picture of our sweet baby Grier! She is 2 months old now and she weighed in at 11 lbs. 10 oz. at her 2 month visit, which places her in the 100th percentile....the girl likes to eat! She is doing great!
Here is a picture of her with her big brother Jackson. Makes me want to squeeze them both!
And last but not least, one of my favorites. How in the world did our photographer get her to pose like this? And stay asleep throughout the entire process? I call her the baby whisperer.
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Grier's Newborn Pictures |
And last but not least, one of my favorites. How in the world did our photographer get her to pose like this? And stay asleep throughout the entire process? I call her the baby whisperer.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
I think I can, I think I can....
Hello all!
Things are going well at the Casa de Connelly. I'm usually so worn out by the end of the day that the above stolen from the little engine that could is my chant....but it's a good exhaustion! I'm so relieved that my hubby and children are doing well....and the benefit of being exhausted is that I sleep like a rock at night ;). I must thank our newborn daughter for enjoying her sleep as well. She has been sleeping through the night (for the most part) since she reached 4 weeks!! And now she is even sleeping 9-10 hours at night. I'm not bragging, ok maybe I am a little ;). We are very grateful that God saw fit to give us a rather easy baby in the middle of everything else going on in our lives. I just joke that God knew we couldn't handle anymore drama...so he gave us a girl made of mostly sugar.
And Jackson is doing great! He loves his baby sister and asks her to play "Thomas the train" with him quite often. I keep telling him soon enough she will be able to play with him but for now baby Grier enjoys her sleep. Jackson had his 2 year wellness appointment today and he continues to grow like a weed. He is in the 95th percentile for height...gonna be tall like daddy!
Reyn is doing phenomenally well. He is gaining energy each day and feeling better day by day. Last Friday was a tough day for him as he came off of the steroid he was on. It was a relatively quick taper off of the drug and side effects can include joint pain. He experienced severe joint pain that day but was feeling much better the next day. I'm still baffled at his quick recovery from such a major surgery! God is so good! For the first time in a long time last night felt like a normal night here at home. Reyn spent the evening making fun of me for watching "The Bachelor" on TV and made witty remarks throughout the entire show. It was fun to laugh with my hubby again....even if it was over "The Bachelor." I think he will be up for visitors soon so I will be sure to let everyone know. I'm still making him rest as much as possible!
Thank you again for all of the prayers, phone calls and emails.
Things are going well at the Casa de Connelly. I'm usually so worn out by the end of the day that the above stolen from the little engine that could is my chant....but it's a good exhaustion! I'm so relieved that my hubby and children are doing well....and the benefit of being exhausted is that I sleep like a rock at night ;). I must thank our newborn daughter for enjoying her sleep as well. She has been sleeping through the night (for the most part) since she reached 4 weeks!! And now she is even sleeping 9-10 hours at night. I'm not bragging, ok maybe I am a little ;). We are very grateful that God saw fit to give us a rather easy baby in the middle of everything else going on in our lives. I just joke that God knew we couldn't handle anymore drama...so he gave us a girl made of mostly sugar.
And Jackson is doing great! He loves his baby sister and asks her to play "Thomas the train" with him quite often. I keep telling him soon enough she will be able to play with him but for now baby Grier enjoys her sleep. Jackson had his 2 year wellness appointment today and he continues to grow like a weed. He is in the 95th percentile for height...gonna be tall like daddy!
Reyn is doing phenomenally well. He is gaining energy each day and feeling better day by day. Last Friday was a tough day for him as he came off of the steroid he was on. It was a relatively quick taper off of the drug and side effects can include joint pain. He experienced severe joint pain that day but was feeling much better the next day. I'm still baffled at his quick recovery from such a major surgery! God is so good! For the first time in a long time last night felt like a normal night here at home. Reyn spent the evening making fun of me for watching "The Bachelor" on TV and made witty remarks throughout the entire show. It was fun to laugh with my hubby again....even if it was over "The Bachelor." I think he will be up for visitors soon so I will be sure to let everyone know. I'm still making him rest as much as possible!
Thank you again for all of the prayers, phone calls and emails.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Prayer Works!
Hello friends and family,
I'm sorry, I know I am a little tardy in my latest update. But taking care of a toddler, newborn and playing nurse to Reyn has left me little time to update the blog. It's been a little wild but I am grateful that I have this time to be at home with my family and I have the opportunity to care for them. I was also waiting to hear from Duke regarding Reyn's pathology report and I finally heard back today.
So first things first. We have been home for 5 days and Reyn it doing great! He is getting plenty of rest and starting to look more like himself, sans the black eye. I just told him it made him look extra tough! He had his sutures removed today and the incision is healing quite nicely. The stitches were so small and looked like fishing wire. Whoever the "seamstress" was did a good job putting him back together. We estimated 100 stitches but hard to tell because they were so tiny. Reyn is getting his energy back slowly but surely. He even played outside with Jackson yesterday afternoon. Although he still has to take it easy, I can tell he is feeling better day by day. The doctor said it would probably take a month before he felt like himself completely so this means we are 10 days closer to that becoming a reality.
Now for the exciting news! We received Reyn's pathology report last Thursday night. Of course there are many things in there that are way over my education level but I did understand the conclusion, which read.... "well differentiated oligodendroglioma." As soon as I saw it I called Duke to verify their diagnosis because Reyn was initially diagnosed with an "oligoastrocytoma" which meant that he had a mixed tumor. An oligoastrocytoma has a mixture of oligodendrocyte cells and astrocyte cells, with the astrocyte cells being the more aggressive. So, for those of you following the blog along the way- you know that one of our main prayer requests was for the composition of the tumor to show more oligodendrocyte cells than astrocyte cells.....AND PRAYER WORKS!! The representative at Duke told me today that their sample confirmed an oligodendroglioma which means at this point no astrocyte cells were detected. Since they removed ~ 70% of the tumor they have a much larger sample to draw from and I firmly believe the Lord heard the prayers of many and removed those astrocyte cells! Praise the Lord!
Thank you to the God in heaven for being with us throughout this process. I thought that I would share the verses given to me on the morning of Reyn's surgery because they were so beautiful. My mom had read this in her quiet time that day and shared with me early that morning. Deuteronomy 31:8 "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
We know that we still have much to learn regarding Reyn's tumor and studies will continue from the sample that was taken until we return to Duke on March 25th and 26th. At that time we will have many answers.
Thank you again for checking in on us. I will post updates again soon.
The Connellys
I'm sorry, I know I am a little tardy in my latest update. But taking care of a toddler, newborn and playing nurse to Reyn has left me little time to update the blog. It's been a little wild but I am grateful that I have this time to be at home with my family and I have the opportunity to care for them. I was also waiting to hear from Duke regarding Reyn's pathology report and I finally heard back today.
So first things first. We have been home for 5 days and Reyn it doing great! He is getting plenty of rest and starting to look more like himself, sans the black eye. I just told him it made him look extra tough! He had his sutures removed today and the incision is healing quite nicely. The stitches were so small and looked like fishing wire. Whoever the "seamstress" was did a good job putting him back together. We estimated 100 stitches but hard to tell because they were so tiny. Reyn is getting his energy back slowly but surely. He even played outside with Jackson yesterday afternoon. Although he still has to take it easy, I can tell he is feeling better day by day. The doctor said it would probably take a month before he felt like himself completely so this means we are 10 days closer to that becoming a reality.
Now for the exciting news! We received Reyn's pathology report last Thursday night. Of course there are many things in there that are way over my education level but I did understand the conclusion, which read.... "well differentiated oligodendroglioma." As soon as I saw it I called Duke to verify their diagnosis because Reyn was initially diagnosed with an "oligoastrocytoma" which meant that he had a mixed tumor. An oligoastrocytoma has a mixture of oligodendrocyte cells and astrocyte cells, with the astrocyte cells being the more aggressive. So, for those of you following the blog along the way- you know that one of our main prayer requests was for the composition of the tumor to show more oligodendrocyte cells than astrocyte cells.....AND PRAYER WORKS!! The representative at Duke told me today that their sample confirmed an oligodendroglioma which means at this point no astrocyte cells were detected. Since they removed ~ 70% of the tumor they have a much larger sample to draw from and I firmly believe the Lord heard the prayers of many and removed those astrocyte cells! Praise the Lord!
Thank you to the God in heaven for being with us throughout this process. I thought that I would share the verses given to me on the morning of Reyn's surgery because they were so beautiful. My mom had read this in her quiet time that day and shared with me early that morning. Deuteronomy 31:8 "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
We know that we still have much to learn regarding Reyn's tumor and studies will continue from the sample that was taken until we return to Duke on March 25th and 26th. At that time we will have many answers.
Thank you again for checking in on us. I will post updates again soon.
The Connellys
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Packed and Ready To Go!
I'm so excited to say that Reyn continues to improve and we are packed and ready to go home!! We can hardly wait to get our hands on Jackson....I miss my little man so much!
Tomorrow is a big day because Reyn gets to wash his hair for the first time since surgery ;). At some point we will decide what to do with his new haircut! I told him this is the only time in his life he might get away with a mohawk....so we will see!
Please pray for our trip home and pray for Reyn's continued recovery. I know that many of you will want to see him but the doctor said no visitors for a few weeks. Rest is the best form of treatment for him now so we have to make sure he is well rested and on the road to recovery! As soon as it is ok for him to have visitors we would love to see you all!
Thank you Lord for getting us to this point. I know that He has carried us along the way!
Tomorrow is a big day because Reyn gets to wash his hair for the first time since surgery ;). At some point we will decide what to do with his new haircut! I told him this is the only time in his life he might get away with a mohawk....so we will see!
Please pray for our trip home and pray for Reyn's continued recovery. I know that many of you will want to see him but the doctor said no visitors for a few weeks. Rest is the best form of treatment for him now so we have to make sure he is well rested and on the road to recovery! As soon as it is ok for him to have visitors we would love to see you all!
Thank you Lord for getting us to this point. I know that He has carried us along the way!
Monday, February 18, 2013
The Healing Begins
Many of you know already but Reyn did so well with his neurological checks and recovery in the hospital that he was released yesterday at 12:30..... Just 48 hours following a craniotomy! It seems crazy to me that someone can be released from the hospital after brain surgery sooner than I was after having a baby, but we are so thankful! He was able to come to the hotel and rest for the remainder of the day. He slept most of the morning today but I managed to talk him into a stroll through the hotel...just to get the blood pumping. His appetite is getting better but the pain medications along with the anti-seizure and steroid medications certainly make him sleepy! Sleep is the best thing for his recovery at this point so we are keeping it quiet around here and letting him rest when he gets tired.
I spoke with the neuro resident earlier today and they have given us the "ok" to leave on Wednesday. I am so happy that he will get to go home and be in his own bed. Also, we are missing our sweet little Jackson pretty badly at this point so I cannot wait to get my hands on him!
We also removed his bandages today and although the incision is large it appears to be healing well! Reyn's bruising looks like he got into a fist fight and he was the recipient of a nice right hook but other than that, very little bruising. He has been busy this afternoon looking for surgical caps to wear to work once he returns. Already thinking about work but the good news is he will be well rested once he returns to work.
At this point his sutures will be removed by next Monday and we can have that done at home. After that our next appointment will be up here at Duke in six weeks. Reyn will have a follow up MRI at that appointment so we will truly know how much of the tumor was removed.
Please continue to pray for healing and our trip home.
Thank you for your love and support.
I spoke with the neuro resident earlier today and they have given us the "ok" to leave on Wednesday. I am so happy that he will get to go home and be in his own bed. Also, we are missing our sweet little Jackson pretty badly at this point so I cannot wait to get my hands on him!
We also removed his bandages today and although the incision is large it appears to be healing well! Reyn's bruising looks like he got into a fist fight and he was the recipient of a nice right hook but other than that, very little bruising. He has been busy this afternoon looking for surgical caps to wear to work once he returns. Already thinking about work but the good news is he will be well rested once he returns to work.
At this point his sutures will be removed by next Monday and we can have that done at home. After that our next appointment will be up here at Duke in six weeks. Reyn will have a follow up MRI at that appointment so we will truly know how much of the tumor was removed.
Please continue to pray for healing and our trip home.
Thank you for your love and support.
Friday, February 15, 2013
A Weight Has Been Lifted
Hello all!
As many of you already know Reyn made it through surgery exceptionally well. He went into surgery with a BP of 112/72 so this tells you my sweet husband was truly at peace. Even I had a calm that could not be described while he was in surgery. I know it was certainly the "peace that surpasses all understanding" made possible only through Christ.
The team at Duke began surgery just before 8AM this morning and it ended around 12:30PM. Reyn is spending the night in ICU and as long as he continues to do well he will be moved to a regular room. We have been told he should be released by Sunday or Monday and we will then spend a few days in Durham in order to ensure we are close if an emergency does arise. We were finally able to see Reyn around 4:15PM and he was pretty groggy but doing well. His facial, hands, and leg movements are excellent and he "smiles" on cue. The nurses are constantly asking him to smile to check facial movement. He even cracked a couple of jokes so I know that "my Reyn" is still my Reyn. He asked the nurses for Sake (the drink) when they told him he was maxed out on pain meds for the moment...only Reyn!
Dr. Friedman did stop by the ICU-(which I am told can be a rare occurrence right after surgery) and answered some of my questions. He said that he did very well and was recovering as he had hoped. He determined that the tumor is still a low grade tumor, so this is favorable news. His best guess is that he removed approximately 70% of the tumor but we will know more once we have our follow up appointment in 6 weeks. At that time they will perform another MRI and we will get to see the new "picture" of his tumor. We should also have the pathology report by Tuesday of next week and it will reveal the composition of the tumor. We will have a better idea of the percentage of aggressive vs. less aggressive cells.
Tonight no one can stay with Reyn but we will be there to see him first thing in the morning. Hopefully at that time he will be moved over to a normal room and we can spend more time with him. (There are certain visitation restrictions in ICU.)
I will update you all as I know more but I just want to say thank you to all of you for caring about our family. I continue to be overwhelmed at the prayer vigils, sweet notes, phone calls and meals being sent our way. We even had a homemade dinner delivered to us tonight by a person I have never actually met...talk about God's love! You have truly been the hands and feet of Christ to us and it's so amazing to watch the body of Christ function as God intended it! I only hope that I can return the favor to you all someday.
Now I am off to love on our sweet baby girl and get some rest.
As many of you already know Reyn made it through surgery exceptionally well. He went into surgery with a BP of 112/72 so this tells you my sweet husband was truly at peace. Even I had a calm that could not be described while he was in surgery. I know it was certainly the "peace that surpasses all understanding" made possible only through Christ.
The team at Duke began surgery just before 8AM this morning and it ended around 12:30PM. Reyn is spending the night in ICU and as long as he continues to do well he will be moved to a regular room. We have been told he should be released by Sunday or Monday and we will then spend a few days in Durham in order to ensure we are close if an emergency does arise. We were finally able to see Reyn around 4:15PM and he was pretty groggy but doing well. His facial, hands, and leg movements are excellent and he "smiles" on cue. The nurses are constantly asking him to smile to check facial movement. He even cracked a couple of jokes so I know that "my Reyn" is still my Reyn. He asked the nurses for Sake (the drink) when they told him he was maxed out on pain meds for the moment...only Reyn!
Dr. Friedman did stop by the ICU-(which I am told can be a rare occurrence right after surgery) and answered some of my questions. He said that he did very well and was recovering as he had hoped. He determined that the tumor is still a low grade tumor, so this is favorable news. His best guess is that he removed approximately 70% of the tumor but we will know more once we have our follow up appointment in 6 weeks. At that time they will perform another MRI and we will get to see the new "picture" of his tumor. We should also have the pathology report by Tuesday of next week and it will reveal the composition of the tumor. We will have a better idea of the percentage of aggressive vs. less aggressive cells.
Tonight no one can stay with Reyn but we will be there to see him first thing in the morning. Hopefully at that time he will be moved over to a normal room and we can spend more time with him. (There are certain visitation restrictions in ICU.)
I will update you all as I know more but I just want to say thank you to all of you for caring about our family. I continue to be overwhelmed at the prayer vigils, sweet notes, phone calls and meals being sent our way. We even had a homemade dinner delivered to us tonight by a person I have never actually met...talk about God's love! You have truly been the hands and feet of Christ to us and it's so amazing to watch the body of Christ function as God intended it! I only hope that I can return the favor to you all someday.
Now I am off to love on our sweet baby girl and get some rest.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Game Time!
Hello there everyone. Reyn here. I am relaxing in my room and am ready to go in the morning. We will be starting early tomorrow. I have had a lot going on, of course, and have not been able to answer every call,text,or email. But I wanted to let each and every one of you know how blessed I have been by you and how much I appreciate all of your support, prayers, meals, encouragement,etc. Continue to pray that God will be glorified in all that transpires. I am feeling good, and know that God has things under control. The peace of Christ is such a gift, and I am grateful for His grace that He has given me.
I am so thankful for my friends and family, especially my wonderful bride! She has continued to be the rock of the Connelly family through everything. She is a great mommy and even better wife. I love you Jordan!
We will update the blog and let you all know what is going on tomorrow. Thanks for caring! We will talk soon....
I am so thankful for my friends and family, especially my wonderful bride! She has continued to be the rock of the Connelly family through everything. She is a great mommy and even better wife. I love you Jordan!
We will update the blog and let you all know what is going on tomorrow. Thanks for caring! We will talk soon....
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
We made it
We made it to Durham. We are all exhausted but we are happy to have made it safely. Reyn has a pre-op appointment at 1PM tomorrow, followed by an MRI and admission to the hospital. He will spend the night at the hospital tomorrow night in preparation for surgery on Friday. Surgery should take place during the morning of the 15th but there is a possibility of being "bumped" if an emergency comes in ahead of us.
So, our first hope and prayer is that he goes in for an MRI tomorrow night and the doctors walk away stumped because his MRI reveals a perfectly healthy brain! We know God can show off at any time so this is my prayer tonight. If God has another plan, then we pray Reyn is healed through surgery. We believe in modern medicine but our trust is in God first.
I'm keeping it short because I am so tired but more updates to come. Please continue to pray for peace and pray specifically that Reyn would not be anxious....so far God has answered these prayers for us!
We love you all and are grateful to you for following our story.
So, our first hope and prayer is that he goes in for an MRI tomorrow night and the doctors walk away stumped because his MRI reveals a perfectly healthy brain! We know God can show off at any time so this is my prayer tonight. If God has another plan, then we pray Reyn is healed through surgery. We believe in modern medicine but our trust is in God first.
I'm keeping it short because I am so tired but more updates to come. Please continue to pray for peace and pray specifically that Reyn would not be anxious....so far God has answered these prayers for us!
We love you all and are grateful to you for following our story.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
I Will Trust You, Lord
This past week has been a tough week for me emotionally. The great deceiver has been working hard on me and bringing a lot of "what ifs" to mind. The reality of such a daunting surgery is knocking on our doorstep and I have felt overwhelmed. God has reminded me that His Son experienced every emotion I am feeling and every tear that I have cried He has accounted for. I know the Lord loves me and loves our family because His Word says so. Satan wants me to believe differently but I know where my strength and security lie. I share this all to say thank you for your continued prayers and please continue to pray for PEACE specifically. We have felt your prayers and are so grateful for your support. Many of you know our story but I feel it necessary to share with you some of the circumstances surrounding us over the past few years...because if you don't believe God is constantly at work in your life, maybe this will change your outlook.
2 years ago Reyn was asked to be in a Men's group (CLC) at Johnson Ferry. It was a great commitment as the 12 men in the group had to commit to diligently study God's Word and meet every Monday morning from 6AM-8AM. Reyn's day began at 4:45AM! When Reyn went into this study he loved the Lord very much but the growth and knowledge he developed for the Lord throughout this study blew me away! He committed to this group and reaped the benefits of a deeper relationship with God. I find God's timing so interesting and know that He was preparing Reyn to trust Him when faced with the diagnosis of a brain tumor 21 months after beginning his CLC study. Once again, God has perfect timing!
Also in October of 2011 we were faced with another obstacle. My mother lost her job. She is single and we knew she would need help...little did we know we would be the ones needing more help than she needed from us! When she lost her job God provided a way for us to "finish" our basement within a 6 week period and build an in-law suite for her to come and live with us. She began keeping Jackson for us throughout the week, as did my mother-in-law. The relief I felt knowing that he was being cared for by family was tremendous and allowed me to focus more on my job! Then came Reyn's diagnosis November 19,2012. If my mother were not here with us right now I would not be surviving. She not only helps with Jackson but also helps me with Grier! The best part about this entire scenario is that Reyn & I made an offer on a house that I LOVED in 2007. It had the most beautiful kitchen and walk-in closet but God didn't see fit for us to buy that house. I was so mad at Him for not giving us that house, especially when I found out months later that it sold for the EXACT amount we had offered a few months before. It didn't make sense to me at the time but God reminded me years later when my mother lost her job-- that the house I just had to have, had NO BASEMENT. He knew we would need my mom here for this time in our lives so thank you God for your provision and for the gift of reminding me that you know what the future holds, even when I think I have all of the answers!
I'm sorry if I have bounced around a bit but felt the need to share the above. God has given us such sweet time with our family and newest addition. We are just loving our cuddly sweet baby girl. I think she already has daddy wrapped around her finger! We continue to prepare for our trip and we are just ready to get through surgery. It will be tough to leave Jackson at home but I know that Pop Pop and Momo with take great care of him! I will update the blog with any updates on Reyn while in Durham. Please pray for safe travels on the 13th and for peace of mind leading up to surgery on the 15th.
2 years ago Reyn was asked to be in a Men's group (CLC) at Johnson Ferry. It was a great commitment as the 12 men in the group had to commit to diligently study God's Word and meet every Monday morning from 6AM-8AM. Reyn's day began at 4:45AM! When Reyn went into this study he loved the Lord very much but the growth and knowledge he developed for the Lord throughout this study blew me away! He committed to this group and reaped the benefits of a deeper relationship with God. I find God's timing so interesting and know that He was preparing Reyn to trust Him when faced with the diagnosis of a brain tumor 21 months after beginning his CLC study. Once again, God has perfect timing!
Also in October of 2011 we were faced with another obstacle. My mother lost her job. She is single and we knew she would need help...little did we know we would be the ones needing more help than she needed from us! When she lost her job God provided a way for us to "finish" our basement within a 6 week period and build an in-law suite for her to come and live with us. She began keeping Jackson for us throughout the week, as did my mother-in-law. The relief I felt knowing that he was being cared for by family was tremendous and allowed me to focus more on my job! Then came Reyn's diagnosis November 19,2012. If my mother were not here with us right now I would not be surviving. She not only helps with Jackson but also helps me with Grier! The best part about this entire scenario is that Reyn & I made an offer on a house that I LOVED in 2007. It had the most beautiful kitchen and walk-in closet but God didn't see fit for us to buy that house. I was so mad at Him for not giving us that house, especially when I found out months later that it sold for the EXACT amount we had offered a few months before. It didn't make sense to me at the time but God reminded me years later when my mother lost her job-- that the house I just had to have, had NO BASEMENT. He knew we would need my mom here for this time in our lives so thank you God for your provision and for the gift of reminding me that you know what the future holds, even when I think I have all of the answers!
I'm sorry if I have bounced around a bit but felt the need to share the above. God has given us such sweet time with our family and newest addition. We are just loving our cuddly sweet baby girl. I think she already has daddy wrapped around her finger! We continue to prepare for our trip and we are just ready to get through surgery. It will be tough to leave Jackson at home but I know that Pop Pop and Momo with take great care of him! I will update the blog with any updates on Reyn while in Durham. Please pray for safe travels on the 13th and for peace of mind leading up to surgery on the 15th.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
It's official...
We are headed to Duke for surgery.
Reyn's surgery is scheduled for February 15th which means pre-op is on the 14th. We will depart for Durham on the 13th and will plan on being in Durham 7-10 days. The plan is for Reyn to do pre-op on the 14th then Duke will admit him that evening. Dr. Friedman will make his rounds that evening and answer any questions we may have regarding surgery then Reyn will be prepped for surgery the following morning. The planned surgery will take approximately 5 hours. He will be expected to spend one night in ICU so that he can be monitored closely then moved to a normal recovery room for the remainder of his stay. The amazing part is that he is only expected to be in the hospital for 4-5 days total! If all goes according to plan he will then be released but we will stay in the Durham area for a few more days to ensure recovery is right on track. At that time we will return home for the remainder of Reyn's recovery, which really just consists of rest before returning to work. We are relieved to have made a decision and feel confident in the abilities of the staff at Duke and Dr. Friedman, in particular. Thank you for praying with us throughout this process and for continuing to lift us up in prayer.
It would be a major understatement to say that these past couple of months have been tough. They have been the most trying times in our lives. I have learned that it is very easy to praise God when times are good but not so easy in the valleys of life. Reyn & I knew early on from his diagnosis that God was giving us an opportunity to continually trust Him...these two "planners"/ control freaks. And so we continue to trust in the promises of God. We know that He will never leave us nor forsake us according to His Word. We know that He is with us every step of the way and that is where our peace comes from. We choose to praise you, Lord during this most difficult of times because You are worthy of our praise!
Once again we thank you for your support and friendship. Please be in prayer for us as we figure out the logistics of travel and as we prepare for Reyn's surgery. We have been blessed with multiple offers to help. Right now we believe that Jackson will stay in Marietta with "Pop pop and Momo". Jackson adores his Pop pop and Momo so this is a true blessing. It also allows him to keep his regular schedule. Grier will be traveling with us to Durham because I am nursing so please pray for safe travels. We will also be looking for a place to stay close to campus so that we can go back and forth to the hospital easily. Lots of little decisions left to make but at least we know the big decision has been made. There is certainly peace in knowing which direction we are headed. I'll continue to update the blog but that's all for now.
the connellys
Reyn's surgery is scheduled for February 15th which means pre-op is on the 14th. We will depart for Durham on the 13th and will plan on being in Durham 7-10 days. The plan is for Reyn to do pre-op on the 14th then Duke will admit him that evening. Dr. Friedman will make his rounds that evening and answer any questions we may have regarding surgery then Reyn will be prepped for surgery the following morning. The planned surgery will take approximately 5 hours. He will be expected to spend one night in ICU so that he can be monitored closely then moved to a normal recovery room for the remainder of his stay. The amazing part is that he is only expected to be in the hospital for 4-5 days total! If all goes according to plan he will then be released but we will stay in the Durham area for a few more days to ensure recovery is right on track. At that time we will return home for the remainder of Reyn's recovery, which really just consists of rest before returning to work. We are relieved to have made a decision and feel confident in the abilities of the staff at Duke and Dr. Friedman, in particular. Thank you for praying with us throughout this process and for continuing to lift us up in prayer.
It would be a major understatement to say that these past couple of months have been tough. They have been the most trying times in our lives. I have learned that it is very easy to praise God when times are good but not so easy in the valleys of life. Reyn & I knew early on from his diagnosis that God was giving us an opportunity to continually trust Him...these two "planners"/ control freaks. And so we continue to trust in the promises of God. We know that He will never leave us nor forsake us according to His Word. We know that He is with us every step of the way and that is where our peace comes from. We choose to praise you, Lord during this most difficult of times because You are worthy of our praise!
Once again we thank you for your support and friendship. Please be in prayer for us as we figure out the logistics of travel and as we prepare for Reyn's surgery. We have been blessed with multiple offers to help. Right now we believe that Jackson will stay in Marietta with "Pop pop and Momo". Jackson adores his Pop pop and Momo so this is a true blessing. It also allows him to keep his regular schedule. Grier will be traveling with us to Durham because I am nursing so please pray for safe travels. We will also be looking for a place to stay close to campus so that we can go back and forth to the hospital easily. Lots of little decisions left to make but at least we know the big decision has been made. There is certainly peace in knowing which direction we are headed. I'll continue to update the blog but that's all for now.
the connellys
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy....
Down in my heart!
Hello friends and family! We are thrilled to announce Aubrey Grier Connelly's arrival into our family. She arrived on Saturday, January 12th at 12:03PM and weighed 7lbs. 9oz. She even beat out her brother in length as she is a whopping 20 1/2 inches! We thought that I was in labor on Friday and went to the hospital only to find out that altough my contractions were 2-4 minutes apart, nothing else was progressing. Northside held us overnight as they felt I was on the verge of hard labor but Miss Grier decided her home was a little too cozy. So, on Saturday morning we induced labor. Once the process began she came very swiftly....thank the Lord!
We are so thankful for such JOY in the midst of a lot of strife. I know God specifically planned her arrival for this very time in our lives for a reason. God is so good! Grier is doing great and she has such a sweet temperament. She loves to snuggle with mommy and daddy. Her big brother Jackson has been wonderful with the transition. He loves to "help" us with her and has only shown concern over the fact that their "binkys" (aka pacifiers) look the same. I'm in the midst of differentiating them. When he saw her this morning he said, "Come on Grier, go play" so I think he's going to be a great big brother!
Reyn continues to do well and we are certainly leaning toward surgery at Duke. We haven't officially decided but all signs point to "GO" as far as surgery goes. We just need to figure out the appropriate timing and logistics of the matter. Right now we are thinking 4-6 weeks from now but please pray with us as we make this decision. It obviously gets a little tricky with a newborn but we know God will lead us in the right direction. We love you all!
Hello friends and family! We are thrilled to announce Aubrey Grier Connelly's arrival into our family. She arrived on Saturday, January 12th at 12:03PM and weighed 7lbs. 9oz. She even beat out her brother in length as she is a whopping 20 1/2 inches! We thought that I was in labor on Friday and went to the hospital only to find out that altough my contractions were 2-4 minutes apart, nothing else was progressing. Northside held us overnight as they felt I was on the verge of hard labor but Miss Grier decided her home was a little too cozy. So, on Saturday morning we induced labor. Once the process began she came very swiftly....thank the Lord!
We are so thankful for such JOY in the midst of a lot of strife. I know God specifically planned her arrival for this very time in our lives for a reason. God is so good! Grier is doing great and she has such a sweet temperament. She loves to snuggle with mommy and daddy. Her big brother Jackson has been wonderful with the transition. He loves to "help" us with her and has only shown concern over the fact that their "binkys" (aka pacifiers) look the same. I'm in the midst of differentiating them. When he saw her this morning he said, "Come on Grier, go play" so I think he's going to be a great big brother!
Reyn continues to do well and we are certainly leaning toward surgery at Duke. We haven't officially decided but all signs point to "GO" as far as surgery goes. We just need to figure out the appropriate timing and logistics of the matter. Right now we are thinking 4-6 weeks from now but please pray with us as we make this decision. It obviously gets a little tricky with a newborn but we know God will lead us in the right direction. We love you all!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Reyn is home
Reyn is back from Durham and the appointment at Duke went very well! Thank you to all of the prayer warriors that prayed for his safe return and that baby Grier would wait to make her grand debut until after daddy returned home! I am still pregnant but feeling very large at this point....so we will be happy to see her whenever she decides to make her presence known. I feel I can breathe a sigh of relief now that he is back.
As for this morning, Reyn met with Dr. Allan Friedman (the neurosurgeon) at 9AM. Dr. Friedman was kind enough to let me sit in via speaker phone call and ask questions. We learned that he feels confident he can remove 60-80% of the tumor. This will obviously decrease the pressure in Reyn's head and give us a better idea of the true composition of the tumor (drawing from a larger sample). There are also much fewer cells that can be problematic later. If we go the surgical route Reyn will be at Duke for about a week and he expects him to return home for the remainder of his recovery, which really consists of rest. Reyn will then be able to resume normal activities and work at that point. Dr. Friedman does not anticipate Reyn needing physical therapy, although he may need a really good hair stylist due to his new hairdo! ;) There are many benefits to surgery, mainly increased quality of life and overall improved future outlook. The surgery itself will be ~ 5 hours long and Reyn will be given general anesthesia for the surgery. Reyn may require chemotherapy treatment after surgery but it would not be immediate. Dr. Friedman recommends observing Reyn after surgery then making the decision down the road as to whether chemotherapy is necessary. Dr. Friedman also recommends Reyn tapering off of his steroid which is also positive news.....steroids can take a toll after a while!
So, many decisions to make but we do like Duke and the confidence they have regarding their capabilities.
For those of you who have read "Jesus Calling" you know what a great devotional it is but I continue to be amazed at God's perfect timing when I start to feel discouraged. Reyn handed it to me yesterday and told me to read the devotional from the previous day. So here are a couple of excerpts...
"I am able to do far beyond all that you ask or imagine. Come to Me with positive expectations, knowing that there is no limit to what I can accomplish. Ask my Spirit to control your mind, so that you can think great thoughts of Me. Do not be discouraged by the fact that many of your prayers are yet unanswered. Time is a trainer, teaching you to wait upon Me, to trust Me in the dark." Then one of the many verses she references is Ephesians 3:20-21. This is one I have been clinging to from the beginning of Reyn's diagnosis.
Thank you God for hearing us when we call out to you.
Lamentations 3:24- "The Lord is my portion, therefore I will wait for Him" And so, we will.
We will let you all know once we decide the course of treatment but ask that you pray along side us and that we will do what God wants us to do. We will also send out an update when baby Grier arrives!
As for this morning, Reyn met with Dr. Allan Friedman (the neurosurgeon) at 9AM. Dr. Friedman was kind enough to let me sit in via speaker phone call and ask questions. We learned that he feels confident he can remove 60-80% of the tumor. This will obviously decrease the pressure in Reyn's head and give us a better idea of the true composition of the tumor (drawing from a larger sample). There are also much fewer cells that can be problematic later. If we go the surgical route Reyn will be at Duke for about a week and he expects him to return home for the remainder of his recovery, which really consists of rest. Reyn will then be able to resume normal activities and work at that point. Dr. Friedman does not anticipate Reyn needing physical therapy, although he may need a really good hair stylist due to his new hairdo! ;) There are many benefits to surgery, mainly increased quality of life and overall improved future outlook. The surgery itself will be ~ 5 hours long and Reyn will be given general anesthesia for the surgery. Reyn may require chemotherapy treatment after surgery but it would not be immediate. Dr. Friedman recommends observing Reyn after surgery then making the decision down the road as to whether chemotherapy is necessary. Dr. Friedman also recommends Reyn tapering off of his steroid which is also positive news.....steroids can take a toll after a while!
So, many decisions to make but we do like Duke and the confidence they have regarding their capabilities.
For those of you who have read "Jesus Calling" you know what a great devotional it is but I continue to be amazed at God's perfect timing when I start to feel discouraged. Reyn handed it to me yesterday and told me to read the devotional from the previous day. So here are a couple of excerpts...
"I am able to do far beyond all that you ask or imagine. Come to Me with positive expectations, knowing that there is no limit to what I can accomplish. Ask my Spirit to control your mind, so that you can think great thoughts of Me. Do not be discouraged by the fact that many of your prayers are yet unanswered. Time is a trainer, teaching you to wait upon Me, to trust Me in the dark." Then one of the many verses she references is Ephesians 3:20-21. This is one I have been clinging to from the beginning of Reyn's diagnosis.
Thank you God for hearing us when we call out to you.
Lamentations 3:24- "The Lord is my portion, therefore I will wait for Him" And so, we will.
We will let you all know once we decide the course of treatment but ask that you pray along side us and that we will do what God wants us to do. We will also send out an update when baby Grier arrives!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
2nd opinion
Hello all!
This past week has been rather interesting for us. We spoke with Dr. Allan Friedman from Duke University last Friday night. I have been AMAZED at the attention to detail and responsiveness from Duke! They have the reputation that they have for a reason. Dr. Allan Friedman contacted us after I spoke with Dr. Henry Friedman just the day before and expressed some concerns over their recommendation for surgical resection of the tumor. I knew we needed a further discussion. Dr. Allan Friedman, the doctor who would perform the actual surgery, informed us that he felt surgery was a better option for Reyn and that he feels confident he can get at least 70% of the tumor removed. Reyn may require chemo following surgery but would not require radiation in his opinion. He would spend one week at Duke and then be able to return home for rest. Of course we have many questions but this is good news to us because it gives us another option. So we have decided it will be best to have a face to face meeting with the neurosurgeon at Duke to discuss all of our questions and concerns. That being said, Reyn will travel with his friend Shane to Durham this upcoming Monday evening for a 9am appointment on Tuesday. Our plan is for me to be on the phone during the meeting since I cannot be there in person, but at least I can listen in on the conversation. I am unable to travel at this point because I am 2 1/2 weeks from my due date so our major prayer is that Grier waits to make her grand debut until Tuesday night at the EARLIEST! My due date is January 22nd but all signs point to her making an early arrival at this point in time.
Please pray for us as we make the decision of surgery vs. radiation/ chemo. We want to be where the Lord leads us and be confident in our decision. Please pray for safe travel for Reyn and Shane. (Thank you Shane for being willing to be there with Reyn!) And please pray that our baby girl stays put just a bit longer. That's all for now.
Reyn and Jordan
This past week has been rather interesting for us. We spoke with Dr. Allan Friedman from Duke University last Friday night. I have been AMAZED at the attention to detail and responsiveness from Duke! They have the reputation that they have for a reason. Dr. Allan Friedman contacted us after I spoke with Dr. Henry Friedman just the day before and expressed some concerns over their recommendation for surgical resection of the tumor. I knew we needed a further discussion. Dr. Allan Friedman, the doctor who would perform the actual surgery, informed us that he felt surgery was a better option for Reyn and that he feels confident he can get at least 70% of the tumor removed. Reyn may require chemo following surgery but would not require radiation in his opinion. He would spend one week at Duke and then be able to return home for rest. Of course we have many questions but this is good news to us because it gives us another option. So we have decided it will be best to have a face to face meeting with the neurosurgeon at Duke to discuss all of our questions and concerns. That being said, Reyn will travel with his friend Shane to Durham this upcoming Monday evening for a 9am appointment on Tuesday. Our plan is for me to be on the phone during the meeting since I cannot be there in person, but at least I can listen in on the conversation. I am unable to travel at this point because I am 2 1/2 weeks from my due date so our major prayer is that Grier waits to make her grand debut until Tuesday night at the EARLIEST! My due date is January 22nd but all signs point to her making an early arrival at this point in time.
Please pray for us as we make the decision of surgery vs. radiation/ chemo. We want to be where the Lord leads us and be confident in our decision. Please pray for safe travel for Reyn and Shane. (Thank you Shane for being willing to be there with Reyn!) And please pray that our baby girl stays put just a bit longer. That's all for now.
Reyn and Jordan
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